Coaching to Manage Team Pressure

Case Study
The Problem
A finance team had fallen six months behind in delivering management accounts. Fines were mounting for missed tax returns. The pressure from the owner and the business was increasing weekly.
How My Coaching Helped
- My coaching enabled the team to focus on activities and projects with the most significant impact.
- I then helped to increase team confidence so they could say “no” when necessary.
- Each team member agreed on a specific set of coordinated activities and milestones.
The Result
The clarity of action and subsequent successes reduced the pressure on the team.
Within four months, the accounts were up to date, the owner and the rest of the business were happier, and all outstanding taxes and fines had been paid.
The pressure eased – the team started smiling, and the banter returned.
Contact me today to relieve your headache – and improve your performance. You’ll be pleased you did.
*All names have been charged to respect their privacy.