Coaching to Increase Profitability and Value

Case Study
The Problem
Alex*, a new Managing Director, had joined a large business close to failing. He didn’t know how to quickly improve the business’s cash levels or grow the business profitably.
He felt pressure from both the owners and the bank to create a credible longer-term strategy whilst ensuring the business survived in the short term.
How My Coaching Helped
We explored the short-term options for business survival and chose the most practical and implementable options, such as tightening supplier payment terms and stopping unprofitable customers.
Cash reserves then increased by over £1m per month.
Strategically I helped Alex gradually change the company’s service offering by widening the customer base.
The Result
Profitability doubled over the following year, and the company has continued to grow.
Alex, the business owners, the bank and the employees were all delighted with the success of short-term and longer-term strategies.
Contact me today to relieve your headache – and improve your strategy. You’ll be pleased you did.
*All names have been charged to respect their privacy.